Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My last wedding...

...of 2012 was AMAZING!  I don't think I've ever met a bride more organized than Laura! Everything had been thought of and it truly was the perfect day!  Chad and Laura are one of those couples who continually show their love to each other by doing little things and on their wedding day they did just that. From the flowers Chad surprised Laura with that morning to the gifts Laura thoughtfully planned for Chad to open.  These two have a love that's so real that not only can you can see it but you can feel it when you're with them. And now here's a snap shot of what their day looked like!

I was loving all of Laura's details!  She's definitely has good taste. 

By the end of that morning Laura was absolutely stunning and ready to go!

Chad's face as he saw Laura for the first time... priceless.

And the lighting in the church was gorgeous!

And then we set out to take the bridal party photos... talk about one good looking party! Dang!

 And this was the point in the day where I made Laura and Chad jump out of the limo as fast as they could so we could get this photo.  You wouldn't believe that we also had a rainbow during their e-session too!  I'd say they are one lucky couple!  It was definitely fitting for such a perfect day.

I also can't forget to mention the fact that when we arrived at Hazlitt Winery and the staff saw the wedding party they brought out a bag of Red Cat and two wine glasses! It was awesome and if you've never had Red Cat I would definitely suggest trying it asap!

I love, love, love this photo! You two make this look so easy!

And then it was time for the reception and what a reception it was!  You two have awesome family and friends!

I also love when I get to visit with past couples! Matt and Mary you two are adorable!

Chad and Laura I just want to thank the both of you for having me as your wedding photographer.  Your wedding was absolutely perfect and I had so much fun!  You two truly are a perfect match for each other and I wish you both many, many years of happiness.

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